Newsletter Content Submission

Newsletter Content Submission


Please use this form to submit content pertaining to your committee/position that you would like to have posted to the PTO website. The post will also automatically be included in the PTO weekly email message. 


All content will be reviewed before going live. Please note, only PTO or school related news and information will be posted to the website.


Submission Guidelines:


  • All content is due by 5:00 pm each Thursday to be included in the Sunday email blast.
  • Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate last minute posts once the newsletter has been created. 
  • Please create NEW submissions each week (even if the same content)
  • Please note, submissions will only run in the week they are submitted and do not carry forward to future newsletters even if it’s the same post.


    • Make sure to include all links in the “special instructions” sections of this form. We’ll make sure it’s hyperlinked in the final post. 
  • Please include images that compliment your content when necessary. We’ll include them where possible based on the newsletter design for that week. No pressure to include pics.


After clicking on "Save and Continue" if you are not taken to a new confirmation page, then your submission has not been accepted due to missing information. Please scroll up the page to find the error message. Once successful, you will also receive an emailed confirmation.


Questions? Please email us at

Content Origin

Please indicate whether the content being submitted originated from the PTO (including PTO committees) from a staff member or parent.

This is the title for the post/content on the website.

(PNG or JPEG if possible, please. PDFs and other files can only be included as downloadable attachments.)

Let us know any special instructions for your post or uploaded file.