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- For RETURNING FAMILIES: use your Membership Toolkit login info to login below.

- For NEW FAMILIES: Please register with Membership Toolkit and create an account.



CLICK HERE to order your school supply packs for next year.

School ID: MON090 (3 letters/3 numbers)


School supply lists will be on the Monroe website this

spring/summer if you do not wish to purchase ahead.

New E-Bikes and Scooters Rules

5/26/2024 12:49 am

Please see the new E-Bike and electronic scooters rules in preparation for summer, courtesy of the Hinsdale Police Department. Stay safe!

The Parent List: Add your Reviews

5/26/2024 12:48 am

As we wrap up the school year, please add to our list of health care reviews on The Parent List. It takes less than 5 minutes and is anonymous. Click HERE.

The Parent List contains first-hand insights from district 86 and 181 parents about providers that helped address their child’s anxiety, depression, school avoidance, eating disorders, insomnia, peer relations, grief, stress, ADD/ADHD, autism spectrum, and more.

Doctors, therapists, support groups, in- and out-patient programs, nutritionists, books, and holistic medical approaches may all be reviewed on The Parent List.

To read the existing reviews of providers, go to

Questions can be emailed to:

In no way do the Hinsdale Central High School or Monroe School PTOs or staff, school districts 86, 181 or 63 endorse or recommend any specific provider reviewed on The Parent List. The Parent List is a subjective forum set up by the Hinsdale Central PTO for your convenience. Parents and guardians are solely responsible for deciding to use any of the service providers on The Parent List in any capacity, and the Hinsdale Central PTO, Monroe School PTO, as well as school districts 86,181 and 63, disclaim all liability for any damages, injuries, losses, expenses, or claims of any kind arising out of the provision of services by anyone or any agency appearing on The Parent List.

Our final THANK YOUS!

5/26/2024 12:47 am

Thank you to our Fundraising chairs DANA REKO AND LARA MASSOURAS, who had a BIG job this year! Thanks to their hard work and community generosity this year, culminating at the Derby Party, the PTO raised funds to carry the PTO budget for the next two years!

Thank you to our outgoing treasurer BRYAN GEIDT! Bryan has been patient and helpful with quite a few “big” issues this year, and always supported the PTO vision and fair distribution of our budget!

Thank you to BECKY BACOGIANNIS, who will be treasurer next school year, and has already proved how valuable and competent she is on countless occasions, helping in tons of big and small ways!

Thank you to our outgoing communications chairs, MEGAN BROTSCHUL and COLLEEN NAPLETON! We have appreciated your dedication to the PTO over the years in your decision making, communication distribution and social media outreach!

Thank you to our VPs CATEY WHITE and JEN KASMARICK who we know are going to do a fabulous job as PTO presidents next year leading with fun and kindness and creativity!

Thank you to ROOM PARENTS and all COMMITTEE MEMBERS! This whole operation would not work without our school community parents helping out.

Finally thank you to MARIA BUSH who has been a kind and helpful resource, and to MRS. EDER, who has been an incredible partner to the PTO this year, sharing her time and thoughts with us, all while being beyond supportive of our school organization's mission.

It has been a pleasure working with you all this year and serving our Monroe community. Happy summer to you all!!!
Erin Hanna and Sarah LeStrange

Field Day Reminders - 5/29

5/17/2024 1:14 pm

Hi Parents! Remember the Watch us Grow t-shirts your child received in the fall as a thank you for registering for the PTO? It is time to dig through your drawers to find them! Monroe staff have asked that students wear color coded shirts so they can be easily identified at Field Day on 5/29.

As a reminder, colors by grade are as follows!

Fifth- RED
Fourth - ORANGE
Second- GREEN
First- BLUE
Kinder - PURPLE

Can't find the t-shirt? No worries! Just send your child in a color that matches their grade on Field Day!


5/17/2024 1:14 pm

Friday, May 24th

  • Monroe Cafe - Jersey Mike's
  • Birthday Lunch - March, April, May, June, July, and August 

Monday, May 27th

  • No School - Memorial Day

Wednesday, May 29th

  • Kindergarten Sneak Peek (incoming Kindergartners only)
  • Field Day (AM Kindergartners attend in the afternoon - 12:15-3:05)

Thursday, May 30th

  • Last day of school for Kindergarten
  • Monroe Cafe - Home Run Inn (make up day from January)

Friday, May 31st

  • Last Day of School (early dismissal - 11:40am)
  • 5th Grade Culmination and Clap Out

Brick Paver Sale! Now taking orders...

5/17/2024 1:13 pm

Our annual sale has begun! Please submit orders “HERE”.

You have seen these custom bricks in the sidewalks of Monroe, and now you can have one installed for your student or family. It’s a great way to honor your graduate, recognize your child, or leave a legacy for the whole family on school grounds!

Bricks are $35 each for 4x8 inches OR $85 each for 12x12 inches. Up to 3 lines of print (each line no more than 15 letters/spaces). $5 of each sale will be donated to the PTO. Don’t miss your chance to order before the end of the school year your student can see it on the first day next fall!

Some past examples include: Student’s name & Class of ????, The ????? Family, Congrats or Way to go! & your child’s name.


5/17/2024 1:12 pm

Thank you to the nearly 600 Monroe community members who joined us for Family Fun Fest this past Friday! 

The event was a wonderful opportunity to see classmates, neighbors and friends and celebrate the approaching end of the school year. 

Many thanks to committee chairs Ellen Dunlap, Becky Bacogiannis, Diem Tom and Catey White, as well as the dozens of volunteers that helped support the event. 

Additionally, we couldn’t host the event without our generous sponsors: American Family Insurance - Anthony Chiarito & Associates, Inc.; Band & Wire; Nancy Siedlecki & Abigail Quinn Attorneys at Law, Bel Canto Music Academy, Syregelas & Kasmarick Trial Attorneys; and Fitness Inc.


5/17/2024 1:10 pm

The 23-24 Monroe PTO could absolutely not function without the generous time and talent of our community parents. Over the next few weeks, we would like to express our deepest THANK YOUS to wonderful parents who help so much! These jobs are time consuming and sometimes thankless- we appreciate you!

Thank you SUSIE THORPE and ELLEN DUNLAP for chairing the Staff Appreciation Committee! Susie, Ellen and their committee provide lunch for our staff every single month, and make Teacher Appreciation week, Principal Appreciation Week, Crossing Guard Appreciation Week and Bus Driver Appreciation week very special! You do a wonderful job for our teachers, who deserve the special treatment!

Thank you LINA BANKERT for chairing the Season of Science Committee this year! Lina and the Science Fair committee did a last minute pivot and came up with some awesome ideas, sharing parents in STEM with our community, sending home awesome take home kits and booking wonderful assemblies the kids are still talking about!

Thank you EMILY BLASKO and LIZ SCHIEBER for chairing the inaugural Kids Care Club Committee! This committee has done unbelievable outreach for our community and beyond this year; the kids are learning how to be charitable and kind humans while helping others.

Thank you DANA REKO for running the fall Charleston Wrap sale! Charleston Wrap is a quiet yet hugely successful fundraiser for our PTO, and keeps our community's holiday presents looking beautiful in the Charleston paper.

Thank you TAMSYN PEQUET for yet again running our Living Garden program! We are so lucky to have the Living Garden at Monroe School, and Tamysn is doing all the work behind the scenes to keep it beautiful for our kids to enjoy and learn!

Thank you to LAURA RAINE for chairing the Brick Paver committee and overseeing the install of memorial bricks for Monroe families!


5/12/2024 3:40 pm

Friday, May 17th

  • Monroe Cafe - Culver's
  • Family Fun Fest, 5:00pm - 8:00pm

Monday, May 27th

  • No School - Memorial Day

Wednesday, May 29th

  • Kindergarten Sneak Peek (incoming Kindergartners only)
  • Field Day (AM Kindergartners attend in the afternoon - 12:15-3:05)

Thursday, May 30th

  • Last day of school for Kindergarten
  • Monroe Cafe - Home Run Inn (make up day from January)

Friday, May 31st

  • Last Day of School (early dismissal)
  • 5th Grade Culmination and Clap Out

Field Day Reminders - 5/29

5/12/2024 3:38 pm

Hi Parents! Remember the Watch us Grow t-shirts your child received in the fall as a thank you for registering for the PTO? It is time to dig through your drawers to find them! Monroe staff have asked that students wear color coded shirts so they can be easily identified at Field Day on 5/29.

As a reminder, colors by grade are as follows!

Fifth- RED
Fourth - ORANGE
Second- GREEN
First- BLUE
Kinder - PURPLE

Can't find the t shirt? No worries! Just send your child in a color that matches their grade on Field Day!