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- For RETURNING FAMILIES: use your Membership Toolkit login info to login below.

- For NEW FAMILIES: Please register with Membership Toolkit and create an account.



CLICK HERE to order your school supply packs for next year.

School ID: MON090 (3 letters/3 numbers)


School supply lists will be on the Monroe website this

spring/summer if you do not wish to purchase ahead.

Save the Date

8/10/2024 10:34 pm

Thursday, August 15

  • Back to School Lemonade Stand

Tuesday, August 20

  • First Day of School
  • PTO Parent Coffee

Wednesday, August 28

  • Room Parent Meeting, 9:00
  • PTO Committee Chair Meeting, 10:00

Thursday, August 29

  • Curriculum Night, 6:00

Monday, September 2

  • Labor Day - No School

Thursday, September 12

  • Bike Rodeo (Third Grade and Up)

Friday, September 20

  • Monroe Family Movie Night

Back to School Lemonade Stand - 8/15

8/10/2024 10:33 pm

Join us this Thursday, August 15th from 4:00pm - 5:00pm in the Living Garden at Monroe! 


We'll get together before the first day of school to enjoy some lemonade and catch up with old friends while meeting new ones. 


You'll also have a chance to buy spirit wear and walk through the Living Garden. We hope to see you there!

First Day PTO Coffee - 8/20

8/10/2024 10:32 pm

Please join us for coffee and a catch-up after drop off on the first day of school. The hospitality committee will provide coffee on the black top after the students and teachers have gone in to start their day!

Welcome Kindergarten Students & New Families!

8/10/2024 10:31 pm

The Newcomers Committee would like to extend a warm welcome to our incoming Kindergarten students and new families joining our Monroe community this school year. We are so excited for you to experience the Mustang school spirit and pride, and we look forward to getting to know you! 


We can be reached at Our committee will be hosting a gathering for new parents in September - we hope you can join! More details to follow soon.

We need your help!

8/10/2024 10:28 pm

All your favorite family activities at Monroe are possible thanks to our fabulous Monroe parent volunteers. There is still time to sign up for committees and room parents. 

Please click HERE to view the Sign-Up Genius and let us know if you have any questions at

Save the Date

5/26/2024 12:53 am

Monday, May 27th

  • No School - Memorial Day

Wednesday, May 29th

  • Kindergarten Sneak Peek (incoming Kindergartners only)
  • Field Day (AM Kindergartners attend in the afternoon - 12:15-3:05)

Thursday, May 30th

  • Last day of school for Kindergarten
  • Monroe Cafe - Home Run Inn (make up day from January)

Friday, May 31st

  • Last Day of School (early dismissal - 11:40am)
  • 5th Grade Culmination and Clap Out

Field Day, this Wednesday! Don't Forget your T Shirt!

5/26/2024 12:52 am

As a reminder, Field Day t shirt colors by grade are as follows! Please send your child in their Watch Us Grow shirt, or a color that matches their grade on Field Day!

Fifth- RED
Fourth - ORANGE
Second- GREEN
First- BLUE
Kinder - PURPLE

Reminder: PTO Expense Reimbursement

5/26/2024 12:51 am

We kindly ask that any PTO related expenses due for reimbursement are submitted no later than Friday, May 31st.

PTO Reimbursement Form

Brick Paver Sale! Now taking orders...

5/26/2024 12:51 am

Our annual sale has begun! Please submit orders “HERE”.

You have seen these custom bricks in the sidewalks of Monroe, and now you can have one installed for your student or family. It’s a great way to honor your graduate, recognize your child, or leave a legacy for the whole family on school grounds!

Bricks are $35 each for 4x8 inches OR $85 each for 12x12 inches. Up to 3 lines of print (each line no more than 15 letters/spaces). $5 of each sale will be donated to the PTO. Don’t miss your chance to order before the end of the school year your student can see it on the first day next fall!

Some past examples include: Student’s name & Class of ????, The ????? Family, Congrats or Way to go! & your child’s name.

5th Graders - School Supplies for CHMS

5/26/2024 12:50 am

Back to school supplies are made easy to order for 6th grade too!

Order your 6th grade school supplies by June 2, 2024. Supplies will be delivered to your home before the first day of school. Please list your home address and not the school's address. Please use the CHMS school ID: CLA217.

CLICK HERE to order today!