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- For RETURNING FAMILIES: use your Membership Toolkit login info to login below.

- For NEW FAMILIES: Please register with Membership Toolkit and create an account.



CLICK HERE to order your school supply packs for next year.

School ID: MON090 (3 letters/3 numbers)


School supply lists will be on the Monroe website this

spring/summer if you do not wish to purchase ahead.

Monroe Chess Club: Starts 9/17! Do not forget to sign up!

9/15/2024 7:02 am

The Monroe Chess Club is Back! All new Lessons, Games, Worksheets, and Tournaments!

All students are invited to try the first meeting for free, and chess club members are encouraged to bring a friend or two. Beginners Welcome! (No prior knowledge of chess is required)

The class is run by Illinois Chess Teachers and will be on Tuesdays from 3:05pm to 4:15pm on the below dates:
- 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/29, 11/12, 11/19, 12/10, 12/17
- *No Chess Tues. 10/22 and 12/3 Tournament Day

Register HERE!

Opportunities to Support Monroe this September!

9/15/2024 6:58 am

Opportunities to Support Monroe this September!


Chick-Fil-A: September 17
Help support Monroe PTO by participating in Spirit Night at Chik-fil-a! Dine in or carry out from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm at the Willowbrook location and 20% of sales will be donated back to Monroe.

Sew Sisters: All of September
Founded in 2023 by a Western Springs mom, Sew Sisters is an apparel company that specializes in custom knitwear. Sew Sisters will give $10 back to Monroe School for each sweater purchased in the month of September. Order your sweaters here:



Congrats to all our Bike Rodeo Participants!

9/15/2024 6:52 am

Shout-out to all the kiddos who completed Bike Rodeo this past week! Big thank you to our Bike Rodeo committee for putting this event on with the Hinsdale PD!

Join us for the Monroe Parent Bowling League!

9/15/2024 6:52 am

Do you like to bowl? Are you looking for a new social outlet? Just want to get away from the kiddos for an evening of adult fun? The Monroe Parents Bowling League may just be the answer! The league is open to any Monroe parents and meets at Suburbanite Bowl on the second Friday of each month, October - April.

  • Team size of 6 is recommended. Some teams bowl with 4 and others have 8 to ensure the team is available to bowl each month.
  • Teams are responsible for securing subs to ensure their team bowls each month. A sub list will be provided.
  • No experience needed! It’s just for fun!!
  • Cost is $96/person for the season

If interested or if you have questions, please contact Tina Hiller at no later than September 23rd. Available team slots will be filled on a first come first serve basis.
Hope to see you in this year’s league!

Welcoming All New Monroe Families

9/15/2024 6:51 am

Thank you to all the new Monroe families who attended the Welcome party this past week. It was great to meet you all and welcome you to the Monroe community. We know it's going to be a great year!

Also thank you to our Newcomers PTO committee for planning this great event and for distributing the Welcome signs in yards around Monroe.

Save the Date!

9/7/2024 2:52 pm

Monday, September 9
Fall Picture Day
Monroe Milers Begins!

Thursday, September 12
Bike Rodeo (Third Grade and Up)

Friday, September 13
First Monroe Cafe

Tuesday, September 17
Community Partners Chick-Fil-A

Friday, September 20
Monroe Family Movie Night
Monroe Cares Canned Food Drive

PTO Special Budget Vote Monday 9/9

9/7/2024 2:47 pm

Please join us 12:00 pm Monday for a special PTO budget vote. On the Google Meet call, we will discuss shifting a portion of the PTO budget for upcoming events. Click HERE for the link.

The Hinsdale Rotary Run Charity Classic

9/7/2024 2:43 pm

The Hinsdale Rotary Run Charity Classic is October 6th, 2024
Hinsdale Rotary Is Offering An Opening of School “Flash Sale” September 4-13,
$25 for individuals and $75 for families of 4 or more
Help our school take home the prestigious “Mrs. B” and “Mr. K” trophies!

Click HERE to register

Unable to join? There is an incredible opportunity for you to win amazing prizes while supporting The Hinsdale Rotary Run! By participating in the prize drawing, you are giving yourself a chance to win fantastic prizes and support local organizations.

Click HERE for the Rotary Run Charity Classic Prize Drawing

Bike Rodeo for 3rd Grade & New-to-Monroe 4th & 5th Graders - Thursday, September 12

9/7/2024 2:40 pm

This year’s Bike Rodeo (meant for 3rd Graders and new-to-Monroe 4th & 5th Graders who may ride their bikes to school) will be held on Thursday, September 12 at 3:05 pm on the blacktop by the playground! The event should last about 90 minutes.


Students must bring their own bikes and helmets and the attached completed Bike Registration Form.


Students must watch the following two videos beforehand as well:

“How to ride a bike safely with Rules of the Road fun for kids”:




“Bicycle Safer Journey” by Federal Highway Administration:


Questions? Contact Courtney Haarlow

New Family Welcome Party Reminder

9/7/2024 2:38 pm

The Newcomers Committee and PTO Board are looking forward to welcoming new Monroe families to our school on Thursday, September 12 at Chicago Highlands! Please see event reminder for details.