- For RETURNING FAMILIES: use your Membership Toolkit login info to login below.
- For NEW FAMILIES: Please register with Membership Toolkit and create an account.
CLICK HERE to order your school supply packs for next year.
School ID: MON090 (3 letters/3 numbers)
School supply lists will be on the Monroe website this
spring/summer if you do not wish to purchase ahead.
Orange Ruler Run - Turn in Day 10/2, Fun Run 10/4
9/28/2024 6:33 am
Thank you to the Monroe parent community for all the support you've shown the Orange Ruler! We only have a few days left before turn-in day on 10/2, and it's not too late to still signup at
You are also welcome to come to Monroe on 10/4 to watch kiddos run and participate in the fun. More details for 10/4 will come in the next day or so, but the schedule is:
1:05-1:40 K - 2
1:45-2:10 "Pig Race" for the whole school - more details to come!
2:10-2:45 3 - 5
As a reminder, this is a Monroe PTO Fundraiser used to support things like:
Our PTO budget is used to fund things like:
- Assemblies throughout the year
- Events like Family Fun Fest, Science Fair, Culture Night, Newcomers Night, Welcome Back Coffee
- Teacher requested items like Heart Rate Monitors for Gym Class, new Library Books and new resources for the Sensory Corner
- Student requested items like greater inclusivity of country flags in the building
- Items for classrooms like Reading Club support, Decodable Reading Books, supplemental Science books and news subscriptions for kids
- Support for 5th Grade Outdoor Ed, Class Field Trips, Monroe Green Club, Field Day and the Living Classroom
- Staff Appreciation monthly lunches to make our teachers feel loved and appreciated
- Our first ever Monroe Movie night last Friday
- And so much more all made possible by our generous Monroe parent community!
Holiday Greenery Fundraiser
9/28/2024 6:32 am
The annual Holiday Greenery Fundraiser Sale is here! Led by our 5th Graders, this fundraiser helps to reduce the cost of the Outdoor Education field trip this October as well as fund other 5th grade activities. Our Monroe families and community members have the opportunity to support this fundraiser and order holiday wreaths, poinsettas and greenery supplied by Vern Goers. The sale runs from Sunday September 29th through Monday November 4th.
Thank you in advance for the support! Please use this form to order: All items will be available for pickup at Monroe Sunday, December 1st, from 1-3pm. Reach to Leslie Lee or Jeannine Kearney with any questions.
Charleston Wrap Sale
9/28/2024 6:29 am
Catalogues from Charleston Wrap were sent home in students' Friday folders.
Charleston Wrap is our annual sale for all things wrapping paper, gift bags, and home goods. There are over 1,000 items to choose from! All information about the sale can be found in the catalogue or on the attached FLYER.
To get started, simply scan the QR code, register your child for the sale, and then easily send texts and emails to family and friends inviting them to purchase. By registering your child for the sale, they can receive prizes based on sales made. It's a fun way to get the kids involved! Sale officially runs Sept 30 - Oct. 21, but shopping can start now! Thank you for supporting Monroe School!
Community Speaker Series Announces 2024-25 Season Lineup
9/28/2024 6:26 am
Announcing the Community Speaker Series lineup for the 2024-25 season! We are thrilled to welcome these top experts to our community this school year. Please mark your calendars:
Dr. Aliza Pressman
The 5 Principles of Parenting: Your Essential Guide to Raising Good Humans
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
7:00-8:30pm, The Community House
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
9:00-10:30am, The Community House
Dr. Michele Borba
Empathy and the Unselfie Revolution
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
7:00-8:30pm, The Community House
Thursday, February 6, 2025
9:00-10:30am, The Community House
Harlan Cohen
Win or Learn: The Naked Truth About Turning Every Rejection Into Your Ultimate Success
Tuesday, April 29, 2025
7:00-8:30pm, Hinsdale Central Auditorium
Wednesday, April 30, 2025
9:00-10:30am, The Community House
The Community Speaker Series is committed to fostering a sense of community through hosting in person events that inform and inspire. CSS is funded jointly by District 86 and District 181 and is supported by the D181 Foundation. Our events are free and open to the public. We encourage everyone to come out to connect and learn together.
Stay tuned for further details, and for more information about registration visit Please reach out to if you have questions or are interested in getting involved. We are looking forward to a great season!
The Community Speaker Series Committee
Follow us on social media!
Save the Date
9/21/2024 2:12 pm
Friday, September 27
Monroe Cafe - Culvers
Monday, September 30
Charleston Wrap Begins
Sunday, October 6
Rotary Run
Thursday/Friday October 9/10
5th Grade Outdoor Ed
(see full calendar at the end of this newsletter for more...)
Thank you for a wonderful Movie Night!
9/21/2024 2:07 pm
What a fun first annual Family Monroe Movie Night!! It was great to see so many Monroe families come out to enjoy the evening. Thank you to the Monroe school community for showing up and making it a huge success. We hope you had a wonderful time! Thank you also to Mrs. Wodka and Mrs. Eder for making the after hours book fair and community event available to all!
We'd also like to give one more thank you to our amazing event sponsors - Petty & Dragstrem Orthodontics (presenting sponsor and glow sticks), Anthony Chiarito & Associates Inc. Agency (popcorn), and Seasons Therapy Group (cotton candy)! This night would not have been possible without their support!
Finally, huge thanks to our Movie Night committee for planning such an amazing event!!
Charleston Wrap Sale is Back!
9/21/2024 1:52 pm
It's that time of year again...the Charleston Wrap sale is here! Catalogues will be sent home in students' Friday folders this week. Take a look at all of the cool holiday wrapping paper, bags, and ribbons, occasional wrapping paper, home goods like candles and kitchenware, and more! Sale officially runs September 30 - October 21, 2024. Proceeds benefit Monroe School PTO. Register your child(ren) for the sale, send the link to family and friends, and your child can earn prizes! Thank you in advance for your support!
Chess Club at Monroe is here!
9/21/2024 1:48 pm
It's not too late to join chess club! No experience is needed and beginners are welcome. The club is run by Illinois Chess Teachers and is on Tuesdays from 3:05pm to 4:15pm.
Email for a prorated rate or to try 1st week free! Please include School, student name, and grade. Hope to see you there!
Crochet Club Interest/Sign Up
9/21/2024 1:45 pm
Students have been asking for a crochet club, but we need 10 students to sign up before it's official!
Some students have asked for a Crochet Club and I am happy to oblige! However, we need to have a total of 10 students sign up in order to get this club off the ground.
This club will take place during lunch and recess on most Thursdays: 10/3, 10/17, 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19.
Students will receive a crochet kit with all the supplies they need including a variety of hooks, stitch markers, safety needles, and a skein of yarn. We will begin with the basics of a daisy chain and build on skills of increasing, decreasing, binding off, and tying in loose ends. If students work outside of our meetings, they could end up with two finished products. Our goal is to end with the basic skills to build upon for more complex projects if the students would like.
If more than 10 students sign up, we will have a lottery for the 10 spots. We need to keep this club small for more 1:1 assistance. If we need to go to a lottery system, students and parents will be notified by 10/27 by Mrs. Wodka.
This interest/sign up form will close on 10/26 at 5pm. Link to sign up HERE
Sponsors will be Mrs. Wodka and Mrs. Leinartas
Join us in the Library!
9/21/2024 1:44 pm
The Library is the hub of Monroe School. We'd love your help to make everything happen--shelving books, helping with displays, working with STEM resources and more!
Sign up for volunteer shifts HERE.
There is a mandatory meeting on Wednesday, October 2 at 10 in the Library.
Any questions? Reach out to Sara Clary or Colleen Napleton.
School Calendar
- Saturday, March 15
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19